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Steam City

Steam City

by shengying on 22 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

A steampunk style City

9 125 4
Round of applause for our sponsors

                                                                         Steam City

This entry holds great significance for me, as I transitioned from a pastry chef to this field just a year ago. Starting from scratch, I have achieved much up to this point. I am very fond of this piece; its harmonious layout and the overall atmosphere captivate me. For some of the smaller details, like the table and the fruits on it, I used Marvelous Designer software to create the models. This was a truly wonderful experience, and I thoroughly enjoy trying new things.

I used After Effects software to create the video. This was my first time working with video editing software, and I spent about four hours learning the basics of video production. I am proud of myself for being a quick learner and willing to try new things.

While creating the entire scene, I used Maya and Marvelous Designer. For this project, I spent some time studying lighting, which was a new experience for me. I also skillfully used Mari to create textures. I pay great attention to detail and believe that, although the scene is large, it requires small details to support and achieve a great overall effect.

On compositing stage, I used Nuke software to add various atmospheric elements, enhancing the overall mood of the piece. I thoroughly enjoyed this step and found it very fulfilling.

                                                                    Thank you

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