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Kundai Nazare - Character Artist

Kundai Nazare - Character Artist

Kundai Nazare
by Kundai on 22 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hi, I'm Kundai. I'm excited to share 3 of my favourite projects that I've created over the past few months since graduating in September (All rendered in UE5). Hope you enjoy looking through my submission :)

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Adm. Wren Ambroise (Codename: M0mma_B1rd) - Realtime [UE5]:

This is my most recent character project and a complete remake of the first game-ready character I made. She's an Elite Navy Admiral who posesses special abilities due to experimental genetic testing at birth and her various cybernetic enhancements


Weapon Beauty Shots: Sky_Splitter MkII


Original Head model


It all started with me sculpting and fully texturing the head model. Upon completeion, I then decided to turn it into a metahuman in order to utilise the Facial Rig contorls. Since I hadn't experimented with metahumans yet, I thought this project was the perfect reason to give it a go. Using the mesh-to-metahuman pipeline, I was able to convert my custom head mesh and got somewhat decent results. In order to get the model looking more accurate though, I had to export to Zbrush and wrap it around the original mesh (The free trial for the Zwrap plugin made this process very easy and also allowed for texture transfer)

Alt. reality Son Goku - Fanart [UE5]

This is my take on an alternate reality Teen Goku from Akira Toriyamas DragonBall series. With this project I wanted to really push my current design, modelling and texturing skillset, experimenting with a new artstyle.

- Environment was made using Quixel Megascans


For the hair, I wanted to dive into Xgen grooms further and experiment with the Unreal Engines groom features, as I thought it best for the Intended idea. Saying this, however, the model itself still adheres to current Game ready ideals, showcasing a total triangle count of 81,356 and textured using minimal maps.

Sumo Hank [UE5] 

Here's my 3d reimagining of an awsome sumo concept by talented artist 'Bogomil Kolakov'. 

For this piece I strived for a more 'stylised-realistic' approach, ensuring to follow the overall appearance of the concept, while adapting certain parts/forms to suit my style. In an attempt to further create this harmony between stylised and realistic, I also tried to combine handpainting and procedural pbr techniques


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