View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024


by rboulay on 17 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Student in Bachelor 2 in Institut Artline (France) I could have spent a all life as architect, but I finally jump into the unknown to follow my dream and become the child I always wanted to be inside this adult costume I built around myself. Here is an Art book from a personnal project and more . Enjoy the ride

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In order not to spoil the discovery of the story, I will remain deliberately evasive in my comments. I hope I've left enough clues and mysteries in each image to invite you to look at the next one.

I still use pencil and paper very often. It allows me to draw anywhere and to write down my thoughts as they burst in my head like soap bubbles.

From rough drawings I imagine a future image. 3d then helps me to build spaces until they resemble the first sketches. In this new space in volume I find new points of view and trace new paths that lead to a new idea. 

I am mainly inspired by nature and technology. In our world true originality is so rare, I find it more easily in unusual combinations. A flying column, a machine plant...

People say that the most important things you can give your children are roots and wings. 

What if our roots were also our wings?

I like to mix a lot of techniques to construct an image. From a simple sketch to basic 3D, from precise and detailed 3D to a blurred painting. I am still looking for the perfect harmony between the precision of 3D, the energy of a simple pencil and the vibration of painting.

One of the great mystery of my childhood and now a great passion. 

Why have we invented so many languages and signs to describe the same world and the same emotions?

6:45 am 

dawn over the underwater city

to continue, some other works in other universes.

When I was very young, I was the first patient of the Traum programme, which I work with today. The Traum programme was originally designed to treat certain children predisposed to becoming unstable adults. Scientists have succeeded in sending teams of specially trained researchers known as 'divers' into children's dreams in order to cure them. It was during a mission into my dreams that they finally cured me of my affliction and discovered that the madness that was threatening me as an adult was not the result of chance but provoked by a nameless enemy who blackened the minds of children to turn them into manipulable adults. An army of unpredictable puppets waits in our midst for orders to execute a plan that still eludes us and that may already have begun. My fortuitous experience has made me an expert at hunting nightmares. It gives me advantages that other people don't have, allowing me to live in other people's dreams on my own two feet by night and become a hacker on wheels hunting down the waking part of the nightmare by day.

So follow the white rabbit and plunge with me into Wonderland!...

Alice in the real world is a young disabled woman

Reinterpreting the codes of Disney's Alice to create a new superhero.

Alice hides her mouth because a zip has replaced her lips, but this puzzling and somewhat frightening feature makes her a formidable opponent of nightmares. Nightmares are non-material entities that corrupt the inhabitants of dreams. There are 4 types: liquids, shadows, smoke and scratches. Alice is a "Sorgen fresser", a devourer of worry. She can literally swallow certain entities without killing their host and then digest them.


The antagonist is inspired by Alice's fears. Fear of the pollution that concerns her as an environmental activist, fear of illness, pain, fear of losing control, madness...

The Professor "Niédyma Biézognia" is a play on words that comes from the Russian expression"нет дыма без огня" There is no smoke without fire. 

Professor Biézognia has no legs, but floats above the ground or on a cloud of smoke, her arms of smoke encircling her opponent and trying to reach his face to get into his nose or mouth to take control and make him her puppet. Polymorphic, it can take on a frightening inhuman appearance or, on the contrary, be charming.

In her name also lies her weak point,  because the smoke that forms her body is generated by a glowing ember that she hides under her clothes and which must be extinguished to eliminate it.

As a conclusion I would like to thank the team of mentor in the Institut Artline , who in addition to their experience, gave us kindness, encouragement and lots of laughs.

Anthony Assandri, Laurent Miny, Roland Sarvarie & Fabrice Nzinzi.

Thanks to my talented art mate for their precious suggestions, don't miss their work on this Rookie session!

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