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Ivy Jenkins: 2024 Portfolio

Ivy Jenkins: 2024 Portfolio

Ivy Jenkins
by Ijenkins on 23 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Greetings, I'm Ivy Jenkins. This submission showcases my work from the 2023-2024 academic year at Ringling College of Art + Design, majoring in Graphic Design BFA. All work has come from these classes: Graphic Design I, Design & Typography I, Graphic Design II, and Design & Typography II.

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This is a project for my Graphic Design I class. The goal was to create a cohesive identity design for a fictional brand. I decided to explore a topic that I am somewhat unfamiliar with to test my research and adaptability skills. 

This is how and why I created the Burlington Beavers youth baseball team, a teenage extracurricular program created by the adult league in Burlington, NC. 

Although only the location is real, I tested my design toolset to create a realistic brand identity that would reflect the hard-hitting, eager, and youth centered identity that this brand needed. 

Go Beavers!

This is a project for my Design & Typography I class. Below is the brand identity for the Salty Sardine food truck; a to-the-point, small but mighty couple-owned business that travels along the East coast. 

The design direction reflects their dedication for hearty seafood in combination with a pinch of salty humor.

As they say - 'Eat Good, Stay Salty'

This is a project for my Design & Typography II class. Tasked with creating a type specimen booklet, I was headstrong on creating whimsical/ eclectic and heavily interactive spreads.

Reflected in this presentation is just that (and then some) with a handmade, bound book, with small surprises/ treasures to embody the rich and unique history of the Akzidenz Grotesk typeface.

In my Graphic Design II project, I developed TWISTED—a fictional restaurant concept fitting for my hometown of Shepherdstown, WV.

 The specialty pretzels blend tradition with innovation, using locally sourced ingredients to capture the town's vibrant spirit in every bite.

These are knot your mama's average pretzels!

My Design and Type II project, we had the option to choose a city that we believed would benefit from a rebrand throughout all aspects like wayfinding, digital and print presentation, and other creative deliverables. 

With the work presented below, I wanted to create a rebrand that fully encapsulates the vibrant essence of Portland, OR.  

Through extensive research, I've honed the skills to craft a fitting rebrand for this city that "Flies with Her Own Wings."

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