View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024


Eva Pérez de León
by EvaPerezDeLeon on 23 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Discover Spokes AI, the AI-powered tech company that's revolutionizing business communication. The 3D ad, crafted with Cinema 4D and After Effects, captures the brand's innovative spirit and customer-focused ethos. See how technology meets creativity in a captivating, visually stunning advertisement.

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For this project, I created an advertisement for Spokes AI, a projected startup which specializes in AI-powered business communication tools. The ad aimed to communicate an approachable, friendly, and customer-centric brand image. 

I used Cinema 4D for 3D modeling and animation, and After Effects for editing and stylization.

Project Development Process:

Research and Conceptualization: Before I began creating the ad, I conducted extensive research into ads made for technology companies. This research helped me understand common themes, styles, and the importance of corporate colors in branding. The insights gained from this research influenced my design choices and helped ensure that the ad felt authentic, despite the company being a mock-up.

Design and Modeling: Using Cinema 4D, I created the 3D models and animation sequences. The overall design was intended to be modern and fresh, with an emphasis on warmth and customer-focus. I incorporated elements that are typically associated with tech companies, but with a friendlier and more approachable aesthetic.

Materials, Lighting, and Color Palette: During this phase, I worked to create a visually appealing environment by developing custom materials and lighting schemes. I prioritized corporate colors that would resonate with a tech-focused audience, making sure they were vibrant yet soothing. This choice of colors and lighting helped convey the sense of a technological but approachable company.

Challenges and Solutions:

Rendering Difficulties with Arnold: Initially, I used Arnold for rendering, but encountered issues because of long render times and noise in scenes with refraction, reflection, and light emission. This made it challenging to meet deadlines and achieve the desired visual quality.

Switching to Redshift: To address these rendering challenges, I switched to Redshift in some scenes. This change required me to learn a new rendering engine, rework materials to be compatible with Redshift, and adjust the scenes for smoother exportation. Although this transition was really demanding, it significantly reduced render times and improved visual quality.

Final Outcome and Brand Portrayal:

The final ad presents a positive image for Spokes AI, conveying a sense of modernity, innovation, and human-centered design. The research into tech company ads and the use of corporate colors played a key role in achieving this outcome. The ad's smooth animations, color transitions, and overall visual appeal contribute to a compelling narrative that aligns with the company's imagined identity.

Overall, the project was an insightful experience, allowing me to merge creativity with technical expertise to create a concept ad that feels like it belongs in the tech industry.

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