View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
Tsushi in Harmony - Concept Art Portfolio 2024

Tsushi in Harmony - Concept Art Portfolio 2024

by Vivalnii on 14 Apr 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hi everyone! I'm Isabelle, I'm 23 and a recent graduate from Syn Studio. These past few months I was tasked with creating a coherent original IP which I called Tsushi in Harmony. Hope you like it!

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Nina lost her sister! Determined to find her, she leaves the security of her village for the first time to travel across the island of Tsushi and meet its Gods in hopes that they may help her.


Nina's adventure starts in her village, populated by a group of eclectic fellows who each aid her in their own way. 

For this, I was inspired by traditional East Asian technology and fashion. However, I made sure to give it its own distinctive culture by mixing in modern shapes and garments, and by making sure it was coherent with the climate in which they live.

Located at the bottom of a canyon, Nina's village is a lush, lively oasis. Due to its limited land and the harsh sun and heat of the desert, the villagers have adapted their agriculture, architecture, and overall culture and live comfortably here.

The main materials found in the canyon are bamboo, some light wood (taken from trees that grow against the bottom of the canyon wall where shade is most common and therefore taller growth is more likely), and fiber. The constructions are small, lightweight, breathy and provide shade when possible.


In the jungle biome stands a temple occupied by a community of monks dedicated to the care of the Jungle God's egg. This year however, catastrophe! The egg hatched and the quickly-growing fledgling got itself stuck in an archway. The monks have managed to calm it down for now, but this situation needs to be solved soon before it gets angry and damages the building again...

And that's it! I had an incredible time at Syn and I'm very thankful to all my teachers who helped me along the way. I hope my portfolio brought a smile to your face :) Thanks for watching!

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