Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Craig Breen-Hoggs Art Portfolio - 2024

Craig Breen-Hoggs Art Portfolio - 2024

Craig Breen-Hogg
by CraigBreenHogg on 13 Mar 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

This is a Rookie entry containing art portfolio pieces created by Craig Breen-Hogg. All the work was created from scratch along with some assets from Megascans and the Unreal engine store.

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Hello, my name is Craig Breen-Hogg. I am a recent master's graduate working as a Unity Developer in the MR, AR and VR space. In my spare time, I am always keen to build new skills and my portfolio.  I thought entering The Rookies would be good to showcase what I have done in the past few months as well as build on my connections. I have been fortunate enough to have been awarded a spot in the Into Games 50 awards in 2023 for art and since then have been focusing on upskilling and developing my portfolio in my spare time.

Japanese Farm Environment

Based on the Edo period of Japanese history, this environment showcases a periodical farm. With the central theme, I wanted to capture a mysterious feel I tried to create an empty feeling to the scene. This environment was also the final project hand-in for my MA at Falmouth University.

Check it out on ArtStation here:

Desert Temple

Here is an environment built using a modular building kit I created as part of my master's degree modelled in Maya, textured in Substance Painter and built and rendered in Unreal Engine. The modular kit was made to fit the scale of each piece using precise measurements and keeping similar colour schemes throughout along with similar UV scaling on each part. I also created up to 3 variants of each building piece such as columns, pillars and walls.

Check it out on ArtStation here:

LDM12 Malaxa Diesel Locomotive

Here is a 3D model of the LDM12 Malaxa Diesel Locomotive which I created to be a part of a future environment. For this model, I utilised UDIM workflow to UV map the top half of the train to optimize the material count. I aimed to create the detail in the model through hard surface modelling without relying on normal maps unlike with other assets. As for the aesthetic of the model I went for a worn-out look with a slightly mismatched accessory style like some of the images I used as inspiration.

Check it out on ArtStation here:

Roman Weapons Stand

Here is my latest project my Roman Weapons Stand. Based within the bustling city walls lays a weapons trader stand which is home to the city's finest blades and shields. In this project, I utilised the Greek Islands free asset pack from December to help build out a bustling market street. With a core focus on Roman weapons with a lot of inspiration taken from gladiator weapons. In this project the main focus was on lighting and scene building as it is something I haven't had the chance to focus on as much as of late, however, I still wanted to get the chance to model some weapons which were my other focus. As you can see by the two different lighting settings there was a lot of testing between the two as to which one worked better so in the end I decided to post both. One during the day when all the goods were on display and the other at night to showcase a quieter and empty version of the scene with ambient lighting from the moon and stars.

Check it out on ArtStation here:

SCAR Assualt Rifle

Here is a revamp of an older gun model which I did in the past, I decided to try and go for a special forces look with it this time adding on all the attachments which you can see as well as redoing the textures for this gun. 

Check it out on ArtStation here:

Dragon Slayer Sword

Here is my latest model made as to the first project on my MA degree. I chose to do a sword based on a theme chosen by a set of Dixit cards the theme being a dragon and a knight. So I decided to combine the two initially exploring the idea of a dragon-themed weapon of sorts however after some mind mapping I ended up opting for a dragon-themed sword instead.

Starting this project off I initially created the basic block out of the sword and started to add some basic generic details once I had the base of it down. Going into this I already knew the shape of the sword in my head so I modelled that first. When it came to adding in the extra details for the dragons head and wings I used Mudbox after getting a base sculptable shape with good topology. Once I had done this I created two versions of the sword, one of them being low poly the other being high poly and exported them both (Low poly as an OBJ and high poly as an FBX).

After this, I started work texturing seeing how this sword was somewhat inspired by Skyrim I decided to go for quite a dark feel with the textures only using the darker shades of colours throughout the model.

Check it out on ArtStation here:

Logging Train Depot (Sneak Peak)

Here is one of my latest projects I am still yet to finish! Based within a logging forest a rundown train yard depot is used for the transportation of goods from the area. As you can see I utilised my LDM12 train model in this scene as I always had the idea of utilising it within an environment Besides that I created a modular building kit for the buildings both metal and brick as well as the train carts in the scene.

I still need to make some adjustments before I start the render process but here is a sneak peak in the meantime!

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