View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
Meet Mamma
  Play by Play

Meet Mamma

"Motherhood in Color" - Portrays the beauty of Tribal Childing women, through art, where each stroke whispers the raw emotions of an impending journey.

7 643 2
Round of applause for our sponsors

Update - 15 Jan 2024

Here is the Final update of Mamma. I made some adjustments in colors and displacements. Though it was my first time in this contest, It has been a new experience where I learned many new things like conceptualization and time management that will also be useful in my future workflow. Thanks to Rookies and Adobe Substance Painter. And All the best to every fellow artist.


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Update - 8 Jan 2024

Updated some textures and did some work on Grass.

I am happy to share my concept here. I learned a lot from this. I've used the path tool from beginning to end, which is super cool to execute our ideas. I have tried many new things. Let's hope for the best!

Comments (2)

Update - 5 Jan 2024

Body Details like tattoo, Eyes and stuffs are done using path tool for the Tribal look

Update - 3 Jan 2024

Started Body details 

Update - 1 Jan 2024

Tribal Mamma