View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
Meat Mat breaching its vessel
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Meat Mat breaching its vessel

Meet Mat is naught but a metal prison for the fleshy horrors that lie beneath. A prison now crumbling at the seams... Meet Meat Mat

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Update - 19 Jan 2024

Slight update. Not as much as maybe I would have wanted to, but it'll do! Was a fun mini project in the midst on larger ones :)

What it has made absolutely clear to me is that sculpting with height maps is very difficult...

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Update - 18 Jan 2024

I have been busy and have uuuuuhhhh... Not done much of anything on this. Putting these renders up here now so it counts as a proper entry, since I will try my darndest tomorrow on the final day to fix the major things that's bugging me but there's a proper chance I'll miss the deadline since I don't know the hour it closes.

Best of luck to me.

God speed!

Update - 8 Dec 2023

Started putting it all together :)

Everything is now ish where it should be, outlines have been handpainted and I started figuring out a work flow for the height map.

Still a ton to fix and add, but it's starting to look like something!

I am also very honoured to have won in the random prize category! Truly a testament to my abilities!

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Update - 5 Dec 2023

Spent the day putting together a few simple metal materials in Substance Designer to use as a base (All four are slight variations of the same graph).

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Update - 4 Dec 2023

Stylized body horror is the goal. Above you see a quick sketch of the premise and below the images floating around my head while drawing this.

A handpainted seamless texture I made not too long ago mainly because it was fun, thought it could serve as a very good base for this project!