View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
Sicilian Ceramics
  Play by Play

Sicilian Ceramics

This Meet Mat combines the main elements in the culture of Sicilian ceramics: the sun, the majolica and especially the pine cone

31 511 2
Round of applause for our sponsors

Update - 5 Jan 2024

Hi everyone, I am new on this software, I started experimenting recently and I still have a lot to learn. 

I want to show you my work, born from the bond with my land, Sicilian ceramics has been and is always present in my home, at my grandparents' home and at the homes of everyone I know. 

This Meet Mat combines the main elements in the culture of Sicilian ceramics: the sun, the majolica and especially the pine cone, which was the main challenge that I set myself. 

Obviously this ceramic Meet Mat rests on the typical floor that is located in most of the houses of the Italian grandmothers.

I hope you will like it and that it makes you think of my beloved Sicily.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Some details

Comments (2)

Update - 2 Jan 2024

Adding some details

Update - 2 Jan 2024

More update, playing with different texture for the face 

Update - 2 Jan 2024

There are some problems, but I think i'm in the right way

Update - 31 Dec 2023

Some changes, I'm trying to understand the right use of the height 

Update - 29 Dec 2023

Trying some pairing

Update - 30 Nov 2023

My inspirations are sicilian ceramics