View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
Moon Cake Mat
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Moon Cake Mat

I present to you Moon Cake Mat. Who doesn't love the typical Chinese dessert during the Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节 | zhōng qiū jié)? I love it not only because it is delicious but also because it has so many unique flavors and designs."

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Update - 18 Jan 2024

Hi There! This is my last update of my Meet-Mat project, hope you like it!


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Update - 2 Jan 2024

Hi there! In my few days off I concentrated on creating the cream that drips from the head to make the body more interesting, it was difficult to achieve the "creamy" effect. In the remaining days I will focus on colors.

Update - 11 Dec 2023

Hi everyone! In recent days I have focused on displacement, I believe it is one of the characteristics that must be taken care of as much as possible to obtain the result I want. I made a lot of use of the "Path tool" to write Chinese ideograms and I found a convenient system for inserting characters via alpha while always using the same tool. I created this last technique after watching the second lesson on the Meet Mat when I saw how the eyes were made in the video. Below are some images of where I'm at now, next step? Shading.

Update - 29 Nov 2023

A few months ago, I began taking steps toward my dream of entering the world of VFX. This is my first contest, and I'm very excited about the idea. After many days of thinking about what I could bring that would be interesting and at the same time stimulating from a technical point of view, I present to you Moon Cake Mat.

Who doesn't love the typical Chinese dessert during the Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节 | zhōng qiū jié)? 

I love it not only because it is delicious but also because it has so many unique flavors and designs.

I chose this concept primarily to enhance the creation of organic materials, which are characterized by various variations in different scales. The second reason is to develop the creamy filling, incorporating a translucent material. Last but not least, the displacement of the front design is expected to pose the most challenging aspect.

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