View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
Meet Cat Explorer
  Play by Play

Meet Cat Explorer

A cat who loves to explore the world.

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Update - 19 Jan 2024

Meet Mat Cat

Hi, My name is Aryya Dey aka aryya3Dartist. This is my second entry for this contest. 

This is a cat who loves to travel around the world and loves to face new challenges.

I started it very early, but face some issues with my pc and thought it’s not possible to complete in time . So I abandoned it.

But somehow I managed it in last 48 hours. 

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Update - 14 Dec 2023

Blockout Refinement and Adding Details

Added details to blockout,trying to get a better shape. still i need to made to some changes for my satisfaction. 

Update - 13 Dec 2023


After so many days of my concept art, now i have time to start the project fully. here is my height blockout of my kitty character. there is lot to do. some changes i made to concept art according to mesh topology displacement react differently in some areas . so i changed and rectify some of the details and i found a good starting point.

i hope i finish secondary and tertiary details as soon as possible.


Update - 21 Nov 2023

Rough Concept for my entry. corrections and colour on the way.

Glad to back on a challenge.

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