Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!


Montre'vious Tamorie' Foster
by sozotekiMF on 1 Jun 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

In the very dull and work-heavy environment of the WeSter Inc., The employees are kept busy with their boss breathing down their necks. One of the employees named Remy managed to finish work a bit earlier, giving him a bit of a break to doodle a bit in his notebook. 

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REVERY TIME is a thesis film that I recently directed while at my final quarter at the Savannah College of Art and Design. The purpose behind this project was to conduct a study on the utlization of dynamic cameras and staging in 2D animation how it drives the audience. Plus, the film is a way to display the "flow state" of a discouraged and tired worker named Remy. 

These are the two style frames that are represented for the two different scenes as well as the main protagonist and the antagonist. 

These are the same protagonists but within the daydream world that Remy is seeing within his mind. 

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