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Full Time Job

Full Time Job

Walter Webinger
by walter on 1 Jun 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Based on Ismail Inceoglu's concept of the same name, this 3D scene was my Final Project for Think Tank Online's Foundation Term. Looking back, it’s amazing to see how much I was able to tackle in the right environment.

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This was my final project for Think Tank Online's foundation term. Assembling a whole concept in a month's time seemed daunting at first, and while it wasn't easy, I did enjoy working on this piece and obtaining the experience of completing a project of this scale.

After stumbling upon Ismail's stunning gallery of concepts, I came across this specific piece, and the whole composition of the defunct tank, characters, and ominous structure felt fun to explore. I had dabbled in making props in 3D before, but building up an environment around a hero prop was a new task that presented a lot more challenges.

(Below) Original concept Full Time Job by Ismail Inceoglu (

Here are just some of the main references I gathered.

The tank was the biggest asset in this piece and is what I spent most of my time constructing in Maya. All of the other objects were modeled in Maya as well, aside from the character's clothes, which were sculpted in Mudbox. After blocking out and polishing the rest of the models in the scene, the texturing phase began. This also meant adding all the foliage and the rock in the foreground from Megascans. The tank was textured in Mari by hand, while the rest of the scene was constructed using textures and procedural nodes in Vray. Rendering the completed scene using Vray.

Once rendered, the EXR was sent to Nuke to adjust and add fog from the z-depth pass as well as add in some VDB clouds rendered separately in Vray. Finally, the image was placed in Photoshop for some final touchups.

Displayed below is the first blockout, followed by the main render pass, concluding with the final composed image.

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