Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
FLEISCHER Romain - Demoreel 2023

FLEISCHER Romain - Demoreel 2023

by RomainFleischer on 1 Jun 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Hi! I am currently studying at ESMA Lyon, and here are some projects I have done during my studies!

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Here is a project I have done during my second year at ESMA, we had to create any animal with fur!

Lubber Grasshopper

I created this grasshopper using Mudbox, Maya and Renderman.

Bartholomew's magic forest

This is a short movie we made as a school project with 6 others students. We had 6 week to make a 30 seconds long short movie.
Here is the movie, and what I have made on it.

Procedural plants modeling tool in Houdini

I was responsible of the fire FX on the movie, it was done in Houdini, rendered with Mantra, and then I also composited the shot in Nuke.

I was responsible of compositing on that shot, and I also created the fire simulation that we can see in our character's glasses.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my work. Hope you liked it!

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