Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
90's Bedroom - Jonny Liew

90's Bedroom - Jonny Liew

by Jonnywyl on 1 Jun 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Below is one of the projects I worked on last year. The piece is based on Pedro De Elizalde's 90's Nerd Bedroom concept art. 3D Model / Texture, lighting and rendering done by myself.

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I chose Pedro's concept art as enjoyed the nostalgia of the room and wanted to incorporate what my own childhood was like while still sticking to the concept art. I did this with the choice of games on the screens and the posters around the room. 

The first step I always do is the initial blocking, and figuring out the space that each item will take up so that it is to scale and also follows the reference.

Then once I complete the blocking, I worked through one object at a time, creating a more detailed version using real life refences.

I then split the objects in the room into different 9 groups and UV'ed each group at a time to stay organised.

Then when I had the UV's all completed, I moved over to Substance Painter.

I then brought it back into Maya and used arnold shaders and toon ai to get the outline effect and added lighting to set the scene to night time. 

For the lighting I focused a lot on the silhouette of the blinds. I also gave the screens a blue light and worked on contrasting it with the warm light of the lamps.

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