Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Ebony Kim - Motion graphic / Illustration work 22'- 23'

Ebony Kim - Motion graphic / Illustration work 22'- 23'

Ebony Kim
by ebonykim on 1 Jun 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Hello, my name is Ebony Kim. This is my Motion graphics/ Illustration art portfolio during 2022 - 2023. More pieces of stuff are on my website, hope you enjoy it! For the 'The Way' Piece, some motion graphers participate animation part, Shawana Joo, Georgio Harber, Matt Paulsen, and Jinkyu Kang.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Motion graphic artworks 22'- 23'

1. The Way

It is about my four-year college life, journey. Things are always happening. We sometimes had some hard times and some wonderful times. So I wanted to show all of you how I overcome challenges and what’s the next step.

I am a deer character, eating fruit and meeting monster means some bad influences, and finding a spaceship is the next step.

2. Smiley girl walk cycle

Using adobe illustrator and aftereffect, simple walk cycle animation

3. Virtual work

Do you love working from home? Create assets from photoshop and animating in after effects

3. Amazon, Do what makes you happy : promo 2022

2d/ 3d hybrid illustration artworks

1. Wanna be mine?

Happy Valentines Day to anyone you love, character and objects made by c4d and little glitter touch is from Photoshop

2. Coffee addicted potman

4. Over the sea

And Last but not least, 2d Illustrations

1.2023 cheer- up stickers

2. Instagram Social Post for Dash Studio

Final Personal Project


- New packages are needed for Urban Outfitters Home, here are some package mockups, and sketches.

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