Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
E'eva ALLAIN / 3D Character Game Art / 2022-2023

E'eva ALLAIN / 3D Character Game Art / 2022-2023

by EevaAllain on 1 Jun 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Hi, I'm a French/Tahitian student in 3D character art, specialized in video games. In a few weeks I'll be finishing the Artside online course, which was a big step up in my 3D learning journey. I hope you enjoy these artwork I had the chance to do alongside wholesome teachers and students during this year.

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Fran : handpainted bust

I made this bust with the goal of getting a closer look on handpaint techniques. It was interesting seeing how good choices of tones/saturation and a few well tought brushstroke could change the quality of your entire piece. Huge thanks to Julian Hoarau for his advices! And of course go check out the original concept by Kev Chan . (For disclaimers, this piece isn't fully optimized, as it wasn't the focus of the project, but the face topology is still viable for animation)

ORL : cartoon project

On a more cartoony side this little guy allowed me to try out a bit more handpaint, and deepen my understanding of optimization in terms of polycount. I had the chance to be guided through this project by Marion Volpe with great expertise! Thanks to Janice Chu for bringing this cute character to life

"FUSION" The fortune teller : 3D Illustration

This project wasn't a piece of cake for me as the original concept was very painterly and rendering it in a smooth PBR style was a challenge. Fully done in zbrush, I then played with the lights during the compositing part in photoshop, trying to match the concept of Rudy Siswanto as much as possible. Many thanks to Hugo Aubert for this engaging 3D illustration course! 

SAMSOUL : Weapon 

One of the first project of the school year, this awesome sword was based on a concept of the artside graduate Arthur Mougne 

Our teacher on this course Camille Delmeule introduced me to the concept of floaters often used in Overwatch.  I'm once again very grateful about how he explained in a complete and detailed manner how to deal with every part of the process ! 


For a little bonus here is a sneak pick on the WIPS of my final project of the year.  As I am especially fond of creature art, when I saw this concept by Donghua Wang I knew it would be motivating to work on! I can't wait to share the final result in a few weeks, and I hope I will do justice to this outstanding artpiece.

You can also check out down below a medley of other projects I worked on. 

- Handpaint reproduction of an hearthstone card and Wagon Crasher gobelin from Cole EastBurn concept with the feedback of Camille Delmeule

- Hardsurface (sculpt only) project with the feedback of Pierrick LeTexier, concept by XiangZhang

- Haircard project with the feedback of Andre Pires (the face is a model I bought from the texturing xyz site to practice on)

- Cloth on Marvelous Designer and Zbrush clean with the feedback of Charline Paul

To end on a high note I would like to adress all my appreciation to artside for the quality of the courses given through those 14 month that allowed me to grow my artskills faster than I ever did. 

Big thanks to the teachers/artists for their patience and devotion to making every student get the best results, and to my classmates who lifted the mood and welcomed everyone! 

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