Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Sierra Sonberg - Rookie Awards 2023

Sierra Sonberg - Rookie Awards 2023

Sierra Sonberg
by ssonberg on 31 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

A collection of my best 3D work featuring sassy cuckoo clock doll Marga and Graham the vengeful s'more.

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Demo Reel Breakdown:

1. Sit Stand - Marga the sassy cuckoo clock doll takes center stage in my sophomore year capstone. The process involved much trial and error with FK/IK constraints and finding the proper mechanics for sitting on the floor (especially since she's wearing a wide skirt!). Modeling the cuckoo clock also involved extensive research and a multitude of moving parts. 

2. Jump - Since Graham is a long-legged character, I wanted his jump to be graceful and fun!

3. A to B - This exercise focuses on changing expressions and body language. It was a crucial step in determining Marga's attitude and personality.

4. Simple Poly - To create the playful and slightly eerie atmosphere of a campground at night, I drew inspiration from my own life-- Graham is like the kid who sneaks out of the tent to explore with his cousins, even though he should be sleeping. The blocking of this animation is also meant to further the story, revealing certain elements (like the sign) only when necessary.

5. Walk Cycle/Character Walk - It was challenging to perfect the light-footed tiptoe Marga has while making sure her sassy personality shone through. I relied on her hand and arm movements to add a dramatic flair.

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