Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Die or Not

Die or Not

Ilkka Takala
by Delion, Emarth, Hazedos, and monocromo on 31 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Die or Not is a local 2D PvP game, in which two to four (2-4) players play rounds on the same screen until someone reaches the target score. Players get one bullet at a time and have to control the bullet and the character simultaneously to be the last one standing.

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Die or Not

Die or Not is a local 2D PvP game, in which two to four (2-4) players play rounds on the same screen until someone reaches the target score.

To learn more about the progress behind the game and read our development blog, visit our page here:

The game

Your goal is to kill the opposing players by shooting them with only a single bullet and to survive the chaos long enough to be the last one standing and win the round. To help you achieve this goal there are a variety of mechanics you can use offering players to choose their own strategy. The main ones being redirecting your bullet when it bounces and dashing.

If you prefer to play offensive, you might want to use power bouncing. Use this when your bullet is about to bounce to give it a speed boost untill the next time it bounces. You can chain power bounces to each other but if you miss the timing you will get a cooldown.

"Spamming the input will not always do it for you ;)"

On the other side if you prefer a more defensive strategy, you might want to use the parry mechanic. Use this when you are about to get hit. Note that you can only carry one charge for the parry at a time and that you need to collect a pickup to recharge.

"Watch out for incomming bullets when you try to recharge 0_0"

After a round ends all losing players get to select a power-up in the order in which they died during that round. The power-ups range from passives to actives (if enabled) and from offensive to defensive. So there is something for everyone, but will you be lucky enough to get the ones you want?

What will you do? DIE or NOT?

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