Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Eric Álvarez Ibáñez-Concept Art-2023

Eric Álvarez Ibáñez-Concept Art-2023

Eric Alvarez Ibañez
by EricAlvarez on 31 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

These are some of the projects I've done this year at FX Barcelona Film School.

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The fourth little pig

This is the story of the three little pigs we all know, but it takes a different turn when the wolf is on the roof of the third house. By blocking the chimney to suffocate the pigs, they are forced to put out the fire, resulting in a brutal massacre in the house. Then, the fourth pig appears, seeking revenge for the death of his brothers. After a brief duel and gathering weapons from the past, he calls upon some of his old friends, Hansel and Gretel, witch and magical creature hunters, to track down the source of the magic. They capture a witch who refuses to reveal information, so they call upon Pinochio, an expert interrogator. After discovering the identity and location of the wolf, they confront and leave him half-dead. The story concludes with the fourth pig flaying the wolf and using his skin to make a tent next to his brothers' houses.


These are some of the design processes in the creation of the character Hansel.

Big Bad Wolf

These are some of the design processes in creating the Big Bad Wolf character.

Prop Axe

This is the design of the hand axes used by the character Hansel.

Jeremías the Mad Space Scientist

These are some elements of a Sci-Fi project that I have done.

Armored whale

SW-344 pistol

This is the design of a laser weapon that uses high power sonic crystals as ammunition, stored in small refillable containers, then the sound energy from the crystals passes through cables to a section of the weapon in which the sound energy It is converted into laser energy.

LW-3105 rifle

This is the design of a weapon that uses various chemical substances in a liquid state as ammunition, substances that mixed with each other or individually, give the weapon the ability to fire shots with very different effects such as freezing, explosions, flares...

Finally, thanks to my teachers Elias Velázquez, Gerard Martínez and Biel Bahí for helping me and advising me throughout the process of my projects.

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