Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Tamachat Hejderup - Some of my projects

Tamachat Hejderup - Some of my projects

Tamachat Hejderup
by DiGelOo on 30 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Most of my lastest work have been me transitioning over from working with more of a realistic pbr style to doing fully non pbr painted models.

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The Busking Dragon - The Forgotten Realms

This was a student project as well as an entry for Artstation's 'The Forgotten Realms' contest. This was my first serious foray into making more stylized characters.

Here I worked from concept art made by Tony Sart

Twitch The Plague Rat (League of Legends fanart)

This project was an exploration into making something with a handpainted style, something I had done before but not to this extent.

Here I worked from the concept art of Twitch made by Envar studio

Glasses and saber

This is a student project that I created a while back. Since then I continiued to work on it, tweaking the textures and doing general polish.

This was made using a piece of concept art by Justine AXL Chalieux.

The Spinosaurus Head

This was a quick project I made during the span of a week or so where I drew up a quick concept sketch and created it in 3D.

I gave it an animation since I though the model itself felt a bit "bare" and it needed some spicing up.

Concept sketch

The Skater Girl

This was created as even further exploration into different styles.

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