Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Wonji Kim 3D Game Environment Showcase

Wonji Kim 3D Game Environment Showcase

by WonjiK on 30 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

This entry showcases my projects creating 3D game enviroments and learning process. These projects were created while studying at Escape Studios.

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Kahvehane - Istanbul Coffeehouse

This is the most recent project created in Unreal Engine 5. It was a 18-week project at Escape Studios for MA Game Art. Inspired by Skyfall (2012) and Hitman 3 (2021), I aimed to create an in-game location that would be in a world in accordance to the film and the game series.

I wanted to the sunlight to come through the windows in a low angle to make the scene set during the golden hour. Dust particles and oil lamp flames are created in Niagara system to add ambience. I tried to optimise the lighting, using only a few of individual lights to light up the entire environment. Decals were used to add extra details such as dirt, damage and footprints.


Materials specific to Ottoman houses were created in Substance Designer, and all textures were packed to be used in Unreal Engine. By creating a specific wooden texture, I used it all across the assets that required wooden textures. Tileable textures and trimsheets were used for the building and big furniture, and all assets were created considering optimisation for games.

Vinyl Cafe Diorama

This is a 6-week diorama project inspired by Korean "Dabang" which refers to places that sell tea, coffee and beverages. This project is based on a specific type of Dabang where they played music from vinyl, which were prominent during the 1980's in South Korea.


I aimed to replicate the atmosphere and give more details to deliver the context of the environment as the concept of this vinyl cafe would be new to most of the viewers. To make it a relaxed evening scene, I used warm artificial lights as the main lighting and created a moonlight coming through the window. I added paper tags and notes on the shelves in geometry to give it more dimension and vintage posters in decals to make the set dressing flexible.

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