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A year of Preproduction at Howest DAE

A year of Preproduction at Howest DAE

March Gutman
by MarchGutman on 30 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Heyo, my name is March Gutman. I am currently studying Game Graphics Production at Howest Dae. Here I wanted to showcase some of my Preproduction works i have made during my first year studying at university. Hope you enjoy it !

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First semester work


The first ever big assignment we were given was to create an up hill scene of a Bulgarian village resident of a specific profession. Out of the given options I chose "sheep herder".


This assignment asked us to create a flying vehicle that would fit into the given theme of "SKYWARS". We had to chose either a "Pirates" or "The Empire" as a theme. I went for the Empire.

Second semester work

The Cannon

In this assignment we had to create a small tropical island scene displaying a cannon, a barrel and a prop of our choice. I chose oranges.

Abandoned Tower

For this task the goal was to create a digital mood painting of a landscape in which an abandoned medieval tower was the main focal point.

Overall the year was filled with learning and improvement. I learned a lot about gathering good references for the given projects and how to create a lot of concept sketches and designs before finally rendering my work.

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