Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Taeno, Warrior of the Moon

Taeno, Warrior of the Moon

by Dshen0215 on 30 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Taeno of the Moon is a fierce warrior who follows the ever consistent moon, though it may disappear it will always return. Bathed in the lunar light, he will strike down his enemies in the night.

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Taeno of the Moon is a character project that I worked on for a class at SCAD. Over a 10 week period I was taught the expected character pipeline in a professional setting, from a 2D concept to game optimization.  I am proud of the work I have done thanks to my professor and friends. I look forward to the next project to challenge and sharpen my skills.

Armor Texture

Body and Fur Texture

Weapon Texture

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