Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Portfolio 2023

Portfolio 2023

by handesigned on 31 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Here are some of my best works throughout my time at SCAD.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Groupmates: Jacky Lo, Jessica Lam, Rhea Mehta

Role: Brand/Visual Designer

The Pandemic has brought a new era of communication and socialization.   The way we communicate with one another through the workspace whether it be online, virtually, or through hybrid means, has changed.  With this move towards a more hybrid environment within classrooms and workspaces, a new challenge arises with communications and interactions between peers. It may be difficult for teams to be able to understand one another, and it can be very difficult to make new connections with others through a screen.  This can negatively impact the mental health of individuals over time as they struggle to with social interactions as well as dealing with work and group interactions where communication and being able to speak your mind is vital to contribution.

Animote is a small device that allows individuals to have better interactions with their colleagues.  Users can link their Animote to their computer or any other devices.  With this product, they will be able to better integrate reactions as well as emotions that they may be feeling when in meetings, and can integrate Animote features through Zoom as well as on their own personal devices.  

Groupmates: Erika Williams, Bre Judge, Maria Olega Alba

Role: Branding & Visual Designer, UX Researcher

Mental health in the 21st century can be difficult to bring up to loved ones, especially in cultures where negative mental health issues can be taboo to address or acknowledge.  Negative stigma against mental health topics are a major issue for younger individuals, especially those who are undergoing major life changes, such as the transition from college to the workplace.  Being unable to find resources or the proper help and guidance, these individuals often suffer in silence and find themselves feeling isolated and afraid to reach out for help because they simply don't know where to turn to.  

This is why we created Arise, an app that allows users to find a community space where addressing mental health issues is welcomed and supported rather than stigmatized.  Users can participate in anonymous group therapy tailored to their needs based on their own preferences and struggles, and find others who may be going through similar troubles.  Through quick activities and daily journaling, as well as weekly prompts set by the group, individuals can feel less isolated and more motivated to seek help for their issues.  

For English speakers, a doctor’s appointment is a relatively easy experience. But for someone like a recently immigrated patient who speaks very little English, the experience becomes much more difficult. Most of the time, these patients, faced with few healthcare options available in their language, are now given the task of communicating with an English-speaking doctor. With no reliable way to properly communicate with one another, discussing matters such as medical terminology, symptoms, or medical instructions can become a stress-ridden nightmare for both the patient and the doctor. This comes with the added danger of miscommunication, misdiagnosis, and misunderstanding that can leave both parties feeling isolated and helpless.

Polyglot offers medical facilities and patients an on-demand translation system that not only breaks down language barriers in the moment, but also provides patients with a reliable way to access information about their appointments, diagnoses, and medical instruction. By giving foreign patients a way to communicate, our solution reaches to bridge the gap between translation and medical care.  

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