Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
ALKA - 2023

ALKA - 2023

by FelixLC and Vincpeut on 28 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Alka is a cooperative first-person shooter game where the player controls a drone accompanied by three other team members. This project was created as part of ou final synthesis project, which marks the end of ou three years of studies at NAD School in Montreal.

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Alka is a first person, 4 player coop game that was started in 2022 by previous students. This year our team continued the project and we decided to add new game mechanics, a new enemy (the tank), and a new exterior map (the previous maps where all interior maps). We choose to go for an exterior map to create new assets and showcase our asset production skills.

The game takes place in a infected world in the futur where the player controls a drone in charge of defending a bunker where the last humans took refuge.

The Environment

The caves, different from the rest of the map in the mood and the assets used. There are scafolding and industrial equipement and the color tone is more blue in contrast to the more orange exterior.

The desert has a rocky exterior with infection creeping in.


We iterated a lot on the level design at the beginning of the project to be sure we had a good foundation for creating the environment. We wanted a map that was fairly linear so that players would be funneled together, thereby encouraging team play.

The Alchemy Lab is a shop where players can buy guns, abilities, and revive teammates in exchange for currencies dropped by the enemies.

The abilities, guns, and the revive that you can buy from the alchemy lab. The UI shows the price for each product, and at the top, you can see the amount of currency collected by the team that is stashed inside the alchemy lab. The players have to cooperate to buy things by dropping the currency inside the alchemy lab.

The abilities, guns, and the revive that you can buy from the alchemy lab. The UI shows the price for each product, and at the top, you can see the amount of currency collected by the team that is stashed inside the alchemy lab. The players have to cooperate to buy things by dropping the currency inside the alchemy lab.

The tank is the new enemy. The only way to kill it is to hit its weak spot on its back, which forces players to cooperate to take it down.

The Vista was created using mountain kits made in Gaea and houdini, the sky was created in photoshop and blender for the broken moon

Modular kits for the hard surface and organic assets, we used an RGB mask workflow to add sand, edge wear and other effects in the shader.

Organic rock kit and skirt meshes to blend the roks with the ground, sculpted in zbrush and Gaea was used for the skirt meshes.
The foliage was made in zbrush, and speedtree.

Artstation or linkedin of the team members:
Laurence Cloutier - VFX:

Félix Lemonde-Champagne - Environment and Props:

Hugo Babin - Character Artist:

William Van Herck - Game and level designer:

Karîm Désir - Animator:



Thomas Bergeron :

Minh-Quân Bui:

Patrick McRea-Desjardins :

Pierre-Jean Morel:

Ann-Laurie Lapointe :

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