Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
The Nanite

The Nanite

Paul Fetterkind
by PaulF on 25 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Hi everyone, my name is Paul and I created this Nanite robot as my final project for my advanced term at the Think Tank Training Centre.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

This 'Nanite' focused on modeling and look development in order to create a visually captivating, intricate, and detailed design. To achieve this, I used industry-standard tools such as Mari, Substance Painter, Maya, Vray, and Photoshop.

The look dev. phase of this project was the most challenging, yet fun, part. It forced me to go beyond what I had previously learned, and to push the boundaries of my skills, thus enabling me to develop more skills and techniques that I can use for future projects.

While there was definitely a learning curve, this proved to be a valuable learning experience and a fantastic opportunity for growth.

Overall, I am very happy with how this project turned out, and I am excited to embark on my next project. With the skills and experience, I gained in this project, I look forward to further exploring and enhancing my creativity and technical abilities.

Special thank you goes to Benjamin Hollrigl, my instructor, whose exceptional guidance and feedback during this term definitely contributed to the project's success. 

TurnTable & Breakdown

I used Photoshop to do my compositing

I created the glass material in Substance Painter

Modeling Timelapse

UV Board and Mesh

Texture References & Mari NodeGraph

Full Concept Image 

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