Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Co-Working Space

Co-Working Space

by LIOMYOUJIAN on 23 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

As a student at the One Academy, this is a co-working space design where I work.

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Co-working space

As an interior design student of the one academy, I recently participated in a co-working space design project, and the client is Industrious. This project is located at APW Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Concept title & statement

The combination of curves and geometric figures in the form of pods.

The idea was inspired by the logo of the company, it was a bee. The keywords from the idea are geometric, curve, and pods.

I need to combine all these keywords into my concept, why I use geometric because of the bee's home (Hive). It is a hexagon shape and it is composed of multiple graphics. The curve comes from the movement of the bee, the flight path of bees is curved, and different bees fly in different ways so I can get a lot of curve types. Last is pods, bees store nectar, food, and honey in different areas, which reminds me that the workplace can also be classified in this way to improve efficiency and appearance.

In my design, I hope to bring people a strong visual perception and convey different information with its unique perspective, which can be described as simple but not simple. My overall space category will be the learning curve, but the walls, furniture, and ceilings will use geometric designs.

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