Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
 Eliott and the Creature

Eliott and the Creature

Astrid Mailhé
by Astrid on 22 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

For a school project, I had to make a concept from a scenario I had written. I had to do the concept in one week so I don't have too much content. I wanted to draw inspiration from Celtic mythology and the fact that fairies are not necessarily benevolent as one might think.

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In a forest in Scotland, a creature who happens to be a fairy tries to get closer and win the trust of a child living in the village bordering the forest. But the first time the child sees the creature, he gets scared and runs away. But when he returns there, he gets a little closer to the fairy, his curiosity piqued, and begins to trust her. He eventually follows the creature and passes through the hollow of a towering tree. When Eliott turns towards the creature, the first thing he sees are sharp teeth and then it's the End.

I started with some design research for the child, Eliott, and the Creature, and I ended up with some environment design.

When I was satisfied I passed them in color.

And I made a line up of them.

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