Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Short Staffed

Short Staffed

Short Staffed
by KyleYoung and ShortStaffed on 29 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Short Staffed is a 1- 4 player couch co op party game where you wait tables. Passing the diverse set of levels will require a large amount of communication with your team to efficiently get orders out as quickly as possible. This won't always be straightforward as there will always be obstacles that stand in your

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Benjamin Saddler

Local Multiplayer System

Designed and programmed the lobby screen and character customization. Learnt how to make a system that makes it easy to add additional content to the character without having to modify the code each time. Uses the player input manager that comes with the input system.


Split-screen system that works together with the input manager. It creates cameras for each play and follows the player around. I later added an outline based on their chosen colour around the edge of each players section. This was done because during playtesting some players couldn't figure out which screen was theirs.

Player Controller

Using an animator to control the character. System for grabbing different items and have the animator react. Throwing items with it being pulled back to indicate the power of the throw 

Kyle Young

I created the characters to allow players to customise them extensively. This customisation includes various options such as outfits, heads, head colours, and hats, intending to accommodate a wide range of player preferences.

After completing the character modelling process, our team determined that the hats didn't complement the unique shapes of the characters' heads. Consequently, I proceeded to rig the character and animate it.

I developed a custom shader using the shader graph.

These are all the outfits I have created for the main characters and the heads I designed and modelled.

Fast Food Level

Ben made this drawing to design the Fast Food level.

I visually depicted my envisioned concept through drawings.

Subsequently, I modelled it using an Unlit shader that we discovered online, which enables the use of shadows.

Upon receiving feedback that the level felt empty, I addressed the issue by creating additional posters and incorporating surrounding assets. However, I did not design the new logo; that responsibility fell to Michael.

Plane Level

During the design process of the plane level, Ben began by searching for plane layouts online. He stumbled upon this image that served as the foundation for the level, which I then used as a reference.

Anticipating the need for repetitive assets, I deconstructed the plane into various grid-based sections.

This approach gave us the flexibility to adjust the plane's length as needed. Subsequently, I proceeded to model both the front and back sections of the plane and then applied textures to all the elements.

Food Truck Level

We recognised the necessity for a solid plan to develop the Food Truck Level. I came up with a gameplay mechanic that involved players maneuvering through traffic while making food deliveries. I considered standard settings, and the highway concept resonated with me. I visualised a Food Truck stationed within the highway, which served as the initial inspiration for the Food Truck Level.

Following the playtesting of our game, we decided to relocate the vending machine onto the concrete block, creating an obstacle that requires players to ascend stairs. Based on the feedback, I incorporated more assets into the level to address the perceived emptiness and enhance the overall visual experience.

Saloon Level

Saloon was another level that we didn't plan for. And see that Michael was working on a train level that look western, I deside to make a level where the players were in a western saloon, I like the idea of having some of the players being split up from the other players, forcing them to work together. So what if a player was stuck behind the bar. So whats the player doing behind the bar? what if the player behind the bar was passing out the drinks to the other players. So I started blocking the level out then refined the models in the saloon level below.

Upon conducting playtests for the level, we received positive feedback regarding the enforced teamwork, which encouraged me to maintain that aspect while designing subsequent levels. Considering this, I incorporated posters onto the walls to introduce visual variety and alleviate potential repetitiveness within the level.

Western Town

I designed and Modeled and Textured Western Town Level

Following the playtesting of the Western Town level, we identified an issue where players could easily leave their designated areas. To address this, I embarked on a redesign of the jail system, aiming to create a more robust and effective structure. Additionally, I focused on establishing better connectivity between the different player zones to ensure a more cohesive gameplay experience.

The Night Sky

I designed and Modeled and Textured The Night Sky Level

Low Gav

I designed and Modeled and Textured Low Gav Level

Lock In

I designed and Modeled and Textured Lock In Level

The Machine

I designed and Modeled and Textured The Machine Level

Lights Out

I designed and Modeled and Textured Lights Out Level

Michael Davy

Fine Dining 

Cat Cafe


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