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My Big Bag of Concept

My Big Bag of Concept

Marius Villard
by MariusVillard on 23 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

This has been a great year at New3dge Concept Art. A super cool year with lots of improvements, art, testing and some of my friends would even say too much gaming. I'm leaning toward environment art but in truth, I just want to do everything. I hope you'll like what i have to offer!

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Fortify Mall

My very first environment art done fully 3D in blender, it was done during a  Bart Tchorzewski's class to familiarize with blender.

The Mad Painter

This art was done during a class with Max Schiller based on interior design

The next 2 environment classes were respectively held by Jama Jurabaev and Flaptrap Richard Anderson.

 We were teached by Jama Jurabaev for Unreal Engine 5 environment, it was based on Star Wars and used BigMediumSmall assets .

The second one was held by Flaptrap Richard Anderson and revolved around designing a building without a particular  brief.

Victor's Bakery

This was done durin Paul Riebe's class on environment design.
A bakery purely selling macaron, Victor is the chef, Praline is the assistant and Craquelin is the delivery Boy.

Mood Painting Exploration

The Task was to make one base painting and then paint some variations.
The class was held by Etienne Hebinger

Terraformation Base

This is the result of Danar Worya's class for Sci-Fi Design.
I added personal art *
The Base breaks the land to make a new one, destroying most of what was before.

Various Character Design

This was during a Character Design class with Choro Choi and it was our first character assignment with a brief.
The earth dried and a virus flourished in the thick heavy air making people zombie-like if it can makes it's way into a wound. People gather to live better lives, when some only scavenge for ressources, a few goes out to actively hunt the infected.

Character Design Class with Oscar Römer as our teacher.
It was really hard, we had a clear brief and the process was very new to me.
Icaro is the corrupted knight of a god but will be joined by Babette to hunt him down and free themselves.
I designed the boss as a World of Warcraft Add Raid Boss .

Next is the result of a Photobash only Character Design Class from Arnaud Villette.
Super nice process, super quick and very refreshing.

The Fall of Seramore, the Golden City

This is a Color Script done during Nathan Fowkes's Class.
I based my scrypt for a game trailer/music video.

Personal Art 

World exploration / Speedpainting / WorldBuilding

Various Character Art And Sketches

This has been a year with a lot of testing, testing artstyle, testing subject, testing presentation format, testing aspect ratio variation, testing process, new colors, new idea on design, animation, new software, new stuff everywhere

I'm usually going all out in a lot of directions and with all the opportunities for testing  new things, my year summary can seems very chaotic ( and most probably is ). 
I kind of like it that way , i hope you like it too.
Next year is gonna be the year for refinment, trying probably a bit less but having a better harmony in my final work.

I really hope you like the Art i produced and see you next year !

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