Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
SelfReg - Wireless Charger

SelfReg - Wireless Charger

by Rouben on 8 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

SelfReg - is a wireless charging dock for smartphones with reminders. SelfReg comes from the word 'self-regulation.' It reminds users to leave the tempting digital world and go back to reality. This device allows users to stay focused on the work at hand or complete their plans for the day...

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SelfReg is a wireless charging dock for smartphones with reminders. It can reminds users to leave the tempting digital world and go back to reality. 

Phone Addiction

Limiting phone usage has been a huge challenge for all of us who are trying to have a work-life balance.

For this problem, I conducted interviews with some students with phone addiction. Based on the interview results, I came up with a problem statement which is college students with phone addiction do not know how to control the amount of time they spend on phones and are especially addicted to social media and entertainment. Some of them may have the awareness to limit the time used on the phone, but they failed to do it.

College student groups do not know how to self-regulate. This phone addiction impacts them not being able to focus and complete their work on time, and they have to spend more time to complete it. College student groups need to be reminded to put down their phones and learn to self-regulate.

My solution for the problem will be -- SelfReg.

How Does It Work

1. Put down your phone and focus on your work.

2. If you pick up your phone, SelfReg will remind you to put it down.

3. When you are done working, pick up the phone and turn it off.

Sketches & Mock-Up

User Journey

Prototyping & Technical Attempts

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