Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Wonjoon Han - Realistic 3D Environments in Unreal Engine 5

Wonjoon Han - Realistic 3D Environments in Unreal Engine 5

Wonjoon Han
by Reksar on 1 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

I was always inspired to an realistic environment that appears in real-time games. After I graduated the Department of Landscape Architecture, I learned Unreal Engine and 3D programs to create those three environments. Thank you for watching my works.

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Minas Tirith - The Lord of the Rings

Minas Tirith is a fortress city in the movie 'The Lord of the Rings'. I was fascinated by its majesty appearance and it gave me inspiration. I focused on creating an overwhelming atmosphere. I built a lot of bricks to fill the big screen and it was worthwhile to be able to walk around freely in it in the end.


The big terrain was made in World Creator 3 and exported with a layer mask in red, green, blue for the texturing.


I chose the Modular Modeling method to create buildings of various shapes, and before combining the buildings, I pre-specified the texture of the stones, pillars, and roofs that make up them. Unreal Engine's Blend Material and Vertex Painting are used to express the dirtyness of distant buildings.

Nearby buildings are worked by ZBrush to express the bumps in the bricks and were brought to the Engine by Nanite. Decimation and instancing were helpful to optimize the capacity.


Certain assets like cliff, Great gate, White tree of Gondor, statue, I did Sculpting in ZBrush and texturing in Substance painter with references. 


 I added some details like traces of road, broken bricks under the tree, and decals to increase the reality as similar as the Minas Tirith.

Forest - Four Seasons

I made a space of nature in different atmospheres from spring, summer, fall, and winter. The main object is the Japanese Lantern of the megascan and I wanted to show that single megascan data can be processed in different moods through Quixel Mixer. This level was designed through lights, fog, plants, and textures according to the seasons.

Canyon - Sunset

I wanted to create a canyon using god ray and I also wanted to know how little time I could complete this task using mega scan assets. It took less than a week.

Thank you for watching.

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