Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Riolu Pokemon

Riolu Pokemon

Sean Kane
by seankanecreative on 31 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

This is my entry for rookie of the year, I created this sequence whilst studying Motion Graphics.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Above are some references of anatomy and Riolu in section to help inform my modelling considerations such as bone and muscle density. The last image is movements similar to that of the actual pokemon and will help inform the animation sequence.

For modelling my character I made a cube in Maya with the actual dimmensions of the character, then I imported this cube into zbrush added a sphere then used the cube as a transparent background to ensure the character fit within it. 

After modelling a basic shape using zspheres I then created polygroups for each main section of the character, I was then able to create more edge loops and group them together to make the modelling process more easier.

 Once I created a great base shape I then zremeshed the character to lower the polygon count to save on hardware resorurces when I added the character into Substance Painter and Maya. 

Once the characters shape has been perfected using various brushes I then started the sculpting process in which I used subdivisions up to 5 to create that great smooth finish and it also gave me great flexibility for adding details.

For the rigging process I brought in the low poly version of my character into Maya, I then created guides using mGear and auto created the rig. 

Once the Rig was generated I binded the skin to the joints of the rig. Once I ensured the placement of the rig was correct I changed the sizes of the controllers to match the scale of my character.

After all this was ok I weight painted the character using ngSkin tools, this process was fairly easy as I weight painted using the edge loops and grabbing the vertices then flooded at full opactity to match the areas of the joints, I then duplicated this process but using the smooth function in between the different segments to allow my character to bend freely.

I created the UV maps of my character by generating camera based shells in Maya then using the 3D cut and sew tool to create seems then unfolding them into UDIMs, although the skatepark footage doesn't show much detail on the character, there is room for showing greater details in future renders of my character. This will save me time when further developing this theme.


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