Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Concept Design & Illustration

Concept Design & Illustration

Ning Xinran
by nxinran on 13 Apr 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Collection of concept illustrations created during the course of 1-year diploma studies in Concept Design & Illustration at 3dsense Media School

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Character Design - Steampunk Thief

First attempts at character design, which proved to be difficult because I didn’t play a lot of games growing up.

The first character is a steampunk thief that belongs in the League of Legends franchise.This is an improved version of a previous attempt. After receiving some feedback, I reworked the silhouettes and experimented with different value compositions.

Character Design - White Mage

For my second character, I went with something a little more of the generic-fantasy type. I tried to make the character feel as powerful as I could.

Character Design - Pair

For this assignment, I created a pair of characters. They have to be of opposing factions but must still sit in the same world. I created a wandering healer from a more civilised society, and a wolf princess from a more savage society.

We also had to create props and stories for the characters. I painted a wagon that the young healer lived in, and a ritual pedestal for the wolf princess.



Props - Rocks & Wagon

Faction A & B Silhouette

Creature Design - Coeruleus Mons Incola

For the creature portion of our character design class, we were introduced to animal anatomy through anatomy studies of photographs, and then had to design our own original creatures. We then put the chosen design into a poster format, and came up with feasible evolutionary features for the creature. Finally, we turned the creature into humanoids, experimenting with different exaggerated anatomies.

Humanoid Design


Perspective Assignment - Emilia's Dormitory Room

One of the first assignments we had in term 1 was perspective assignments. We had to draw a room in one-point and two-point perspective. For this assignment, I designed a fantasy dormitory room.

I also chose to use 3-point perspective for the interior and exterior assignments. I chose to do a fantasy guild.



Perspective Assignment - Environment

I really struggled with creating an original environment piece. This is my attempt at painting a somewhat-vibrant marketplace that has been set up under an ancient temple inspired by Greek architecture. I used Blender to put in a rough blocking of the building, so the lighting and perspective are correct. Then I sketched over the 3D model to design the smaller details of the piece, before rendering it in.

Front View & Side View Sketches

Card Illustration

The card illustration is 1 of 2 big projects we undertake in Term 3.

For this assignment, I redesigned the white mage from the previous character design assignment, and imagined what she would look like as a trainee.

From there, I developed the sketch, and used 3D block-outs to get the perspective and camera lens roughly correct.

Finally I experimented with the colour and lighting thumbnail before rendering the piece (see GIF for process).


UI Design - Hearthstone

For our UI class, the first assignment was to create icons of various tiers. The objective was to design icons that were consistent in terms of perspective, lighting and design, but yet showed clearly their hierarchy.

The second assignment was a group assignment, to modify the UI assets of a given game. Our team decided to tackle Hearthstone, and went for a Diablo X Hearthstone collaboration. The following is my contribution to the project:

1. A new hero painting, I chose Sonya from Diablo and painted her in the Hearthstone style
2. A corner of the map, I chose the broken temple ruins strewn across the Diablo dungeons
3. A new game map, I repaired the background of the map as the entranceway of one of the Diablo dungeons, and also painted the borders to resemble Diablo.

The wooden panel and stone panels on both sides were contributed by my groupmate.



Character - Sonya

Environment - Temple

Final Month Project

For our last month in the programme, we were asked to create a piece of artwork that involved worldbuilding and storytelling elements. We had to design original characters and concepts.

My concept is about a mysterious mage from a hidden civilisation that visits a village in the forest to share her knowledge of magic. She draws the curiosity of the surrounding children.

For this project, I designed the mage character as well as the village environment they are in. Unfortunately, I was not able to put in the features of the village that I had designed.

My main focus was to keep the message clear and simple, such as that the mage was not a threat to the children, and that she had magical powers that the children had not encountered before.

Mage Design

Village Design

Blender Progress

Initial Thumbnails

Miscellaneous - Other Illustrations

The following are some portrait paintings painted throughout term 1 and term 2.

Age Bend

I aged up Alluka from Hunter X Hunter by 20 years. This was the first time I was painting volumetrically.

Crossover Assignment

For this assignment, I chose to paint a WLOP character and Yoruichi from Bleach together, as though they are in WLOP’s world.

High Fashion Assignment

For this in-class assignment, I redid a poster I did in secondary school. I was very happy with the improvement, as I was able to apply what I had learnt so far into creating the 2022 version.

Draw It Again Exercise

For this in-class assignment, I redid a poster I did in secondary school. I was very happy with the improvement, as I was able to apply what I had learnt so far into creating the 2022 version.

Armin Portrait

This was a personal fan art exercise. I tried to be more organic with the process and emphasis on the storytelling of his character.

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