Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Wanyi Ma | Motion Design Portfolio 2023

Wanyi Ma | Motion Design Portfolio 2023

by wanyima on 10 Apr 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

I am always very interested in 3d and 2d content. I want my designs to stay alive all the time.

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I produced a title sequence for a student film " I'm not ok". The film tells the conflict between a mother and a daughter. The mother is always in control of her daughter and demands that the daughter must meet the her requirements in every way.

I use the concept of puppet theater to show that the mother is the controller and the daughter is the puppet. The puppet tries to escape the control of the manipulator. But when it does so, the puppet is broken. The visual style reflects the feeling of conflict, like "horror fairy tale" ( the dark and beautiful ).

Agatha Christie's mystery novel And Then There Were None tells of a murder case in which 10 people who did not know each other received an invitation letter to go to a party on an island bought by a rich man. After a great dinner, the guests were murdered in different ways one by one.

In this project, the design direction will be based on the perspective of the police gradually restoring the murder scene and the context of the case by taking photos of the scene.

I created this 3D animation to introduce myself based on my own characteristics and preferences (I love listening to music and being close to nature).

It's a GIF animation. As the magic wand of spring to awaken everything.

2022 Burning Man Festival's Theme: WAKING DREAMS

Burning Man's mission is to create a community that guides, nurtures and preserves cultural creation, connecting everyone's creativity with nature.

The theme of the waking dream expresses the inversion of the ordinary order of consciousness from the moment of waking from the dream, revealing a consciousness without thought content. This consciousness is expressed by displaying psychedelic patterns of optical illusions, and using collage and graphics to show creativity, and finally all the created objects reset that burned and returned to nature.

The design will show what the future of this event can look like, with all kinds of strange installations in surreal settings.

A newly married couple, one of them suddenly left. Even though the line between life and death straddles between the two, they can't let go of each other.

Showing different views during the hike.

This Colity City client worked on a collaborative project with SCAD interior design students. My design partner, Ruyue and I were responsible for producing the team's work process video and the branding promo video.

Paris Hilton needs no introduction. An icon of the Y2K styled younger generations. In this show, As a beginner, Paris with fingerless “sliving gloves” on and bedazzled cookware at the ready to learn how to cook. Her cooking is a frivolous and colorful as one would expect.

This design direction embraces the idea of a playful and messy approach to cooking through showing processes of writing recipes, decorating notes, and making food. 

The title sequence based on the book by Sandra Cisneros. This book includes 44 relatively independent short stories. These stories tell a little girl's life on Mango Street when she was a child. Mango Street is a poor minority neighborhood on Chicago. This little girl is actually the author.

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