Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Human touch

Human touch

by Hadar on 14 Mar 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Human touch in a virtual world.

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Human touch

Hi, my name is Hadar, I chose to talk about human touch in the virtual world.

i feel like during corona virus something very basic was taken away from us- the abilty to connect physically. Sometimes I felt very lonely and just wanted a simple hug, but it was forbidden.

While I was doing my research I discovered that during a hug or any kind of phisical connection a hormone called oxytocin is released into our brain, this hormone makes us feel more happy and calm. On the other hand, when we use social media a hormone called dopamine is released into our brain, this hormone cause addiction.

I designed my collection pieces to be woren by two people together, or by one individual.

The neon colours I chose symbolise the electric spark rushing through our nerves during passionate contact.

For my photoshoot I created a ball located at an old European castle, surrounded by greek statues, symbolize the idea of an exposed body

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