Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
My 2022 year ! - Gabryel Bacchieri Aury

My 2022 year ! - Gabryel Bacchieri Aury

Hi ! I'm Gabryël. A French student at MoPA School ! Here's my second year works, hope you like it :) !

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"EvilLoaf" - 10 secondes animated short

"EvilLoaf" is a school project in wich we had to a 10 secondes animated short that loop like a GIF.

It was the first time I had to do a short film, and work on every aspects, so it was quite challenging but very very efficient in order to learn the whole pipeline needed to produce a movie.

The theme was Tradition and belief. So I chose a French old belief that is that when you put a Loaf of Bread upside down on the table, it attracts the Devil. So I pushed that to the extrem and kind of turned that in a funny way, with a kid making the Devil disappear and reappear again and again while this one try to reach for the bread.

"Shipwreck of the Dauphine" - Short documentary film

"Shipwreck of the Dauphine" is a short documentary film made for school, it was the first time me and me classmates had to work in group in order to produce a film.

We had a little time and it was tough learning to work all together. Beside that, we wanted to try a special workflow and try kind of an  "animated book" style, in order to achieve that we did most of the film entirely in CameraMapping. We had a lot of shots and were not used to that technique so it was a real challenge for us as a group.

                                                                      Thank you for reading ! 

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