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Tanguy Macq - Concept Art 2022

Tanguy Macq - Concept Art 2022

Tanguy Macq
by tanguymacq on 31 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Hello everyone, here is a collection of work (Graduation/School work) I have done for my last year here at New3dge. Don't hesitate to share your thoughts, would love to hear them ! Hope you'll enjoy the ride and all the projects here !

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"Across the Seine" is my graduation project for my last year here at NEW3DGE.
I wanted to bring something different to my portfolio by having a more grounded project.

Set in 2040, in a world where there's no more glacier due to climate change and heavy industrialized/polluted world, the ocean and water level raised higher all over the world, and is now reaching half of the city.

We are following the story of a liner getting back into the city after a long period being away.

However, time has changed, as well as the city. Peoples are now used to live in these conditions for a long time and have been prepared for the city to be flooded. A world where the vegetation coexists with the industrialization of the city.

                                        WELCOME TO PARIS

This project was inspired by one of the most famous flood that happened in Paris during January 1910.

Black and White photography has always been one of my favorite subject when it comes to inspiration, whether it's for storytelling or worldbuilding ideas, there always have been something special about them for me.

My project is divided in 3 parts :

- The first one being towards the entrance of the city.
- The Second one focusing in the streets and life inside the city.
- The third one showing where the boat actually heads towards to.

A lot of iterations were done when exploring what the city can look like in this world. The idea behind the architecture was to get a mix between the Haussmann architecture from Paris, having some sea-vegetation that would have grown on these buildings while still convincing that over-industrialised look on these buildings.

While looking for ideas for the city, I stumbled upon "La Joute des mariniers" by Nicolas-Jean-Baptiste Raguenet.

This bridge used to have peoples living/working on them, I really liked this idea.

Unfortunately, this didn't made it into finished pieces, but I still wanted to share these explorations.

The final part of the project takes place close to the Grand Palais.

The day is ending and our liner is arriving at his final destination after his journey across the city.

The idea behind this place was to use the Palais as a warehouse area. After travaelling for a few weeks outside the city, the boat is planning to take repairs at this place.

Huge thanks to Karine Villette and Balazs Agoston who were giving me feedback along the project.

During our first year in the school program, we had the opportunity to work on one of the VFX project named Eonia.

This project is short movie following Eos journey across a foreign planet to resurect Thanatos in order to implore her help to win the war.

My task on this project was to design Eos spaceship. The challenge on this design was to get a mix between the Ancient Greek while keeping the feeling of it being a War General Spaceship.

Huge thanks to Jason Horley, as well as Ulysse Verhasselt who were giving us feedback along the project.

Concept Art Team :

Cyprien Rousson - Robin Costet - Clément Legouini - Raphaël Agnus - Tanguy Macq

VFX team :

Eloise Fontimpe - Jason Mathieu - Axel Leparmentier - Bastien Foreau - Amaury Renard - Pauline Furon - Carina Loiseau - Kilian Vandenhendes

During our second year in the school program, we had the opportunity to work on one of the Game Art project named Down In the Twilight Zone.

This project is an horror game taking place inside a submarine that's been under attack of tribal mermaids.

My task during this project was to create each room of the submarine in collaboration with Arthur Ripert. Starting from the exterior of the submarine which was damaged both by the mermaids and crashed inside an underwater rift.

In order to help the Game Art team as much as possible for the layout, i made a line-art version for each room to make sure everything was clear. Especially since most of the game take place in darker lighting scenario.

Original room blockout made by Arthur Ripert - Drone Armory design done by Paul Bonneric

We had the opportunity of doing paintovers as well on top of Game Engine renders to help them improving the look of the game.

Huge thanks to Adrien Girod who was gaving us feedback along the project, as well as Pierre-Alexandre Schuller who helped us during the Paintover week.

Concept Art Team :

Arthur Ripert - Laurine Tournois - Paul Bonneric - Macq Tanguy

Game Art Team :

Alice Bigey - Alexis Arnould - Mahina Barthez - Noémie Monin - Benoit Sablé - William Tomasi

Personal work trying out new workflows (VR) and exploring more cinematic framing

Environment and designs done for Adrien Girod class

Spaceship keyframes and design done during Dimitry Yepik class

                                         SPECIAL THANKS

I wanted to thanks everyone from the New3dge team. Especially to Aurélien Fournier and Fabien Roumazeilles who created this program and gave me the chance to be a part of all those talented students in the class.

Huge thanks as well for every teachers that we had during those 2 years, they helped us to push our skills even further and it's been an amazing experience.

And last, to all my classmates that have done amazing projects and work ! Go see their graduation projects as well  !

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