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Oscar Sanabria
by OSCARSANABRIA on 26 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Here I show you some of the practices carried out during my first year at “Butic The new school”. In them I have tried to take care of every detail so that each job is unique and exclusive, always being very demanding with the result. I hope I can show you my learning curve wishing you like the result.

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I believe that the composition, the light, the chromatic chord and a good photographic framing make the difference in ArchViz images, that's why I try to take care of them to the maximum in order to stimulate the sensibility of the observer, as well as the importance of creating good materials to generate photo realism.

Forest, sweet home

This practice consisted of modeling an existing house and introducing it into an invented natural environment to practice with the vegetation elements. I wanted to create a dramatic atmosphere and look for a good framing to emphasize the wonderful architecture of the Retina house (design by Arnau Estudi dárquitectura). The use of volumetrics helped me to recreate it.

Some elements of the work process:


 Poem "Out of the world..." ("Fuera del mundo...")

This practice consisted of showing in an image the scene of a freely chosen poem. I used a poem by the Cuban writer José Martí, entitled "out of the world" where you can read in the book of the image (I leave you a translation of it)

Out of the world...

"Out of the world that battles and shines

Without remembering its unhappy captive,

To a slavish toil subject alive

That to early death leads me.

But there is by my table a window

Through which the light comes in; and I would not give

This corner of my window

For the greatest human splendor!"

I would highlight in the scene the creation of the materials and the use of light to reliably show the environment that tries to recreate the text, a place according to the time in which it was written, with a warm atmosphere but above all in a very humble environment that represents, despite the simplicity, that place so idyllic for the writer.

Some elements of the work process:


Some of the materials created:

"Wooden Nighthawks" 

This practice consisted in reinterpreting a freely chosen painting in 3D. My choice was the famous painting "Nighthawks" by the American painter Edward Hopper. The project was a very interesting challenge, trying to recreate a work in a real three-dimensional environment but keeping the same nuances of the brushstroke in the materials, looking for the same light and recreate the shadows, but above all trying to find that the observer can penetrate the same scenario that Hopper glimpsed. I hope you like my reinterpretation and that you can transport yourself for a moment inside the painting.

Some elements of the work process:

Comparison of the real picture and my interpretation:


Some of the materials created


This practice consisted of choosing a sensation (tactile, auditory, olfactory, gustatory) and representing it in an image that recalls that sensation. We could represent one or several senses with the aim of stimulating the multi-sensory imagination and train the sensitivity to the sensations that we can awaken in an image. Let's see if with this image I have succeeded and if you can guess the sensation or sensations I am trying to show.

Some elements of the work process:


Some of the materials created:


Personal project to develop some interior images looking for a very personal defined aesthetic and to stimulate my creativity in interior design.

 Architecture & Interior Design by Oscar Sanabria

Work process:


In this image I had to choose a color and represent a detail of an interior scene, being the chosen color the main element. The objective was to create a personal chromatic chord and to concentrate the attention on the details as well as on the whole of light, color, material and composition.

Work process:

La Alhambra

In this practice was to practice the organic modeling of free choice. In this case I decided to make a piece of the monumental complex of La Alhambra (Granda - Spain).

Work process picture and reference (real picture):


Passage of time

This practice consisted of creating an interior scene with two different images well differentiated by the passage of time in order to practice with the materials and their aging. 

Winter Hole

I did this project for "Winter Sories - A Lighting & Rendering Challenge". It consisted of capturing the pure essence of winter with a focus on lighting and mood in two images (same camera angle with two different lighting modes). I chose the rendering of an indoor plaza with conceptual architecture and a pond that allowed me to play with reflections and different lights.

Work process:


This Christmas image was a personal project and I created it to be used as a Christmas greeting for the year 2022. I emphasize the atmosphere created with a dramatic touch.

Work process:

Thank you for visiting my post until the end, I hope you were curious about it.

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