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Lucas Rowe - Rookie Awards 2019 Submission

Lucas Rowe - Rookie Awards 2019 Submission

by lucasjsrowe on 15 May 2019 for Rookie Awards 2019

A collection of my work from over the past year.

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I am currently studying in my Honours year of university, and as such have taken on a project of my own choice. I have decided to design the visual elements of a fantasy/ horror RPG.

I’ve designed a zombie character that would be used a generic enemy NPC. I wanted him to look deformed by a curse, and so I added limbs and pieces of anatomy inspired by crustaceans. I also made sure to equip him with clothing that made it clear that he had lived a regular human life before becoming zombified.

Within the context of the gameplay, this type of NPC would serve as one of many horde type zombie enemies, applying pressure on the player through sheer numbers. The player will need to control the enemy horde using crowd control spells as well as through the environment, such as thin corridors that only a few enemies can pass through at a time.

I’ve been working on the design for what would be the player's character for my fantasy/ horror game project. The game would be played from a first-person perspective, and the player would use a combination of melee weapons as well as spells for crowd controlling the horde like enemies.

I want the civilians and NPCs that the player will pass within the game to have a grim tone. As such I’ve spent some time creating several variations of what the NPC civilians would look like.

 I’ve been assigned to design a series of characters to show the hierarchies of an elven civilisation of my own design.

Christian architecture and history have inspired this design, as I’ve decided to explore what a civilian that lives under the rule of a religious cult like government would look like.

I see this civilian as being law abiding, having self-flagellated and self-mutilated in the name of his religion.

Continuing designing an elven civilization for a university project, I’ve now designed a chancellor level character. I designed the character to appear obsessed and crazed over their religion.

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