Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Teresa Vu
Teresa Vu

Teresa Vu

  United States

My dream job would eventually be to work at a game company as a concept artist.

I've always grown up loving art; cliche but true. In different ways, I always loved creating art in any form but it wasn't really until high school that I seriously considered it as a career. Then junior year, the pandemic hit and I spent all day playing games and realizing that I loved the art within games and how important it was to the experience. That was the turning point for me to realize that I can not only create art, but to do so in a way that also combines my other love of games.

Learning: Savannah College of Art and Design

Skills: Adobe Photoshop Procreate

Expertise: Concept Art & Illustration

  • Skipped Debut N/A
  • Leveled up to Player N/A
  • Leveled up to Contender Mar 31, 2023
  • Leveled up to Rookie TBD
  • Pro TBD

Current Education

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