Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Jessica Sha

Jessica Sha

  United States

I am a person who does well summarizing words, so I would be grateful for anything and any advice.

Indirectly, that is hard to describe, since I have always been more of a scientific research person who felt something was missing. My husband suggested I try the Dave School and I absolutely love it. To answer the question directly, August 2022.

Learning: the dave

Skills: Autodesk Maya

Expertise: Game Design & Development Immersive Media Motion Graphics Web Design & Development

  • Leveled up to Debut May 08, 2023
  • Leveled up to Player TBD
  • Leveled up to Contender TBD
  • Leveled up to Rookie TBD
  • Pro TBD

Current Education

the dave
Class of 2023

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