Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
JMC Academy

The Smarter Way to Recruit and Enroll Students

Join our School Membership Program and showcase your programs and facilities to a global community of creative artists. Increase brand awareness, improve enrollment rates, and access industry insights to achieve your recruitment goals.

Cover image CG Spectrum
96% School Retention
100K+ Monthly Visitors
150+ Countries
62 Certified Schools

The journey is easy with the right support

Join our School Membership Program

Our most valuable proposition for a college is to provide a results-driven channel for student recruitment and marketing, helping schools reach a global audience and attract the best and brightest young artists.

We offer educational training institutes the opportunity to showcase their programs and facilities to a massive community of creative students from around the world, build brand awareness, improve enrollment rates, and access industry-leading insights and data to help them achieve their goals.

Boost Your Enrollment Rates

Our results-based channel for student recruitment and marketing can help you reach a global audience and boost your enrollment rates.

Opportunities for Students

Help increase employment rates for your students with access to private recruitment services, exclusive job opportunities, and invites to special networking events.

Trusted by the Best

Partnered with top companies like DELL, NVIDIA, Adobe, Autodesk, and more to give your students the best opportunities to succeed.

Data & Insights

Industry-leading insights and knowledge that help you plan, expand, and achieve your goals, giving you the competitive edge.

Largest Community for Creatives

Join the biggest community of creative students in the world and showcase your school to a global audience.

Global College Rankings

Our World School RankingsĀ® have become a trusted and industry-respected system based on performance, giving you the recognition you deserve.

Brand Awareness

We are experts at sharing your story and achievements through social channels, events, and editorial, helping you build brand awareness and recognition.

Microsites for Your School

Showcase your school with your very own microsite that comes fully loaded with everything you need to attract the best students.

Applicant Matching

Leverage our suite of tools designed to drive perfectly matched student leads to your admissions team, making the recruitment process seamless.

Global Search

We Rank #1 for hundreds of highly competitive keywords relating to creative industries and finding the right school.


People are talking about us…

Saint John Walker
Dean, Escape Studios UK

It's great to benchmark ourselves with some of the most visually creative people in the world. It helps us all feel we are not alone in seeking out excellence and ambition!

Scott Thompson
Founder, Think Tank Training Centre

I would say at least 60% of our students have found Think Tank Training Center from having our school Certified and displayed on The Rookies.

Renaud Jungmann
Founder and Director, VFX-Workshop

What makes me happy is thanks to The Rookies, our school and the work created by our students gets a much stronger visibility than we can achieve by ourselves!

Work with The Rookies

Get in touch.

Last month The Rookies generated over 4,000 student referrals to our partner websites. Find out how advertising through our network can help boost your student recruitment.

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