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JANG SAN BEOM - the voice of a liar

JANG SAN BEOM - the voice of a liar

Lee Chae Woon
by Muka on 24 May 2024

You woke up the monster from a long sleep. This monster calls you in a familiar voices. Sometimes in a welcome voice, other times in a voice calling for your help.. It is too late for you to hear the voice and check whether it is real or not. It gives you the voice when the monster reach near you..

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Since it is a creature made from the body parts of various animals, I had to look for a lot of anatomies when designing in Zbrush.

This monster was designed by combining the anatomy of a tiger, horse, person, monkey, dog, and lion. It had the form of a familiar animal. But the closer you looked at it, the more you found the form you were not familiar with, so I hoped you would feel scared.

When I first designed Jang San-beom, there was no exact appearance. So I drew my own Jang San-beom by referring to the creature artworks on internet and stories of people who actually witnessed Jang San-beom.

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