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Stylized London alleyway

Stylized London alleyway

Claire Déléage
by ClaireDeleage on 23 May 2024

Here is a stylized environment of a small bookstore café in an London alleyway. 
I learned a lot during this project and was able to test new technics, all the assets and textures of the scene were made by me. 
I hope you like this project as much as I like it. 

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Blockaout / Final

Here's my work at the very beginning and after the final image to see how the project evolved

To work on my project I worked by pass. I worked with a blockaout for a long time because I wanted to work on my composition and the atmosphere I wanted to convey.


Texture Tile

As my project uses a lot of the same textures, I made textures that match.

First I sculpted what brick (pave, tile) to assemble on maya. Then I made a bake and worked my texture step by step, starting with my base colour and my roughness. I really wanted the roughness of the bricks to be worked because there is sunlight on them.

Use decal

To make the environment more lively I used decals that I made on procreat. I used them under the windows, on the roof and on the floor.

Vertex painte

As all my buildings have a brick texture I used several brick textures with slight variations in colour. I also used vertex paint to bring back a render texture for variation.

detail light

For the lights, I wanted a pleasant atmosphere at the end of the day.

I did a lot of work on my lights so that the reflections of the café lights would look good.

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