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Apes Creatures

Apes Creatures

Martin Delaur
by martindelaur on 24 May 2024

Exploring some apes designs by mixing elements and animals. Trying to find some unique variations for each was very fun to do. I have been inspired by Gibbon, Gorillas and chimpazees and other subspecies for thoses designs !

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Apes Creatures

Exploring some apes designs by mixing elements and animals.
Trying to find some unique variations for each was very fun to do.
I have been inspired by Gibbon, Gorillas and chimpazees and other subspecies for thoses designs !

For each of these designs I imagined alterations of appearance that could happen during the fight.
The first has explosive fists that would open to make bigger explosions when he is in rage.
The other two have pockets under the throat that can swell to create poisonous clouds or discourage bigger predator.

For the first of the three monkeys I wanted to give him the role of the most violent of the gang.
So I put the enphase on his fists and his aggressive expression in the face.
I use the gorilla morphology that represents power, and I add explosive pinecones that magnify these forearms for the violent side of the creature.
I really want if the player is in front of this creature, the first thing that goes through his head is the escape.
That was my state of mind when I did this design.

For this monkey, I wanted it to be less imposing than the previous one but that it remains no less frightening.
I am therefore giving it a more slender and human morphology by taking inspiration from the chimpanzee.
I give it a particular silhouette by metamorphosing some kind of appenndices on the body to evacuate toxic gas.
With its slimmer silhouette than the gorilla I give it a more treacherous and deceitful appearance. Of the kind to attack its prey by surprise.
The difficulty was to make it quite menacing despite the aspect of hunter in ambush which does not convey bravery or strenght.

This monkey is the smallest in the gang.
So I use bird references that inflate a pocket under their neck as the fregate birds.
I use this feature so that it can get bigger near its predators and have a chance to impress them to survive.
I also thought to put long claws that he would use mainly to feed himself of larvae present in the trunks of the forest, but also to defend himself in case of danger.
I also have been influenced by the shape of traditional chinese hats for the fur on his head, that could protect him from rain and wind.

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