View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
Platform 3

Platform 3

Tarah Porter-Sabogal
by tarahjem on 10 May 2024

A 2D animated student film I have worked on for the past 12 weeks as a solo project at JMC Academy. Follow Ruby as she tries to catch the train home!

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Ruby, a timid Sydney-sider trying to catch the train home has some trouble at the station. From crowded platforms to influencers interviewing the public, join Ruby and explore the reality of the train station on Platform 3.

Over the last 12 weeks, I have been working on an animated short based on my experience catching public transport - specifically the train ride home. I wanted to create an abstract cartoon version of Central Station in Sydney while telling a relatable story, allowing myself to animate my characters in a way that doesn't mimic reality. 

Backgrounds were created in Adobe Illustrator for the line work and then imported into Adobe Photoshop for colour and shading. When it came time for compositing, I used Adobe Aftereffects to add the live-action footage of the jellyfish and coloured cards for added lighting. All backgrounds are based on Sydney stations.

All animating was done in Toon Boom Harmony while lighting was completed with Adobe After Effects, worked on the project for 10-12 hours each week, managing a minute and a half of animation/visuals over 12 weeks for this solo project. 

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