View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
Crash Shot

Crash Shot

Anwar Nurhakim Bin Khamis
by AnwarNurhakim on 17 Apr 2024

Visual effects works done during the 1-year Visual Effects & Animation Diploma at 3dsense Media School

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Crash Shot

A shot of a large ship crashing into a body of water

● The shot was separated into background and core elements during the breakdown.

● Most of the elements in the background were kitbashed except the ground and railings which were modeled in Houdini.

● The ship was fractured in stages followed by the pyro simulations in the ship.

● The body of water is a displaced grid and the flip simulation is sourced from Houdini’s pyro burst source for a more defined splash shape.

● Rendered out in Karma. Flip simulation was rendered an additional time in Mantra for layering in Nuke.

(software used: Houdini, Nuke)

Crash shot Breakdown

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